Aced Beauty & Personal Category Products while Increasing the PPC Sales
The Beauty and Personal Care category is among the top categories among sellers, but it has plenty of subcategories that increase competition, price wars, direct competition from Amazon, increased PPC costs, etc. Our beauty category client wanted us to focus on PPC sales and decrease ACoS.
How to increase PPC sales, get more visibility on your products and decrease ACoS?
Started with a thorough study of the account and products and gave suggestions in all areas; we did Product Optimization for all the products in the account. Later we targeted the highest selling keywords in the campaigns and kept adding negative keywords, spending more, and using our advertising budget.
Not only did it help us increase PPC and decrease ACoS gradually, but it helped to increase the ranking of 5 of our best-selling products.
With a great start with keyword research and product optimization, followed by strategic PPC management, there was a tremendous increase in PPC sales and visibility of the products.
We only increased our spending by 28%, and our ordered PPC product sales increased immensely
Our overall PPC sales in 7 months were $10,75,707.49 (the highest for the client in the last 3 years in Amazon)